Guido Deiro
Accordion Clubs Part 2

Although the 1927 San Francisco Accordion Club parade and picnic was certainly one the most memorable accordion club-sponsored events ever for Guido Deiro, it was certainly not the first nor last accordion club event in which he was honored.

Many times he was honored as the special distinguished guest at various dinners and picnics sponsored by accordion clubs and Italian-American organizations throughout California and the Pacific Northwest. The Deiro scrapbooks document that Guido was the guest of honor at the 1920 San Francisco Accordion Club picnic, the San Jose Accordion Club picnic at Almaden Park on June 22, 1930, and he and his brother Pietro were guests of honor at the 1926 San Francisco Accordion Club picnic, as evidenced by the following three invitation cards (two accordion-shaped).

San Jose Accordion Club Picnic Invitation Cards

The following photograph and articles testify to Guido Deiro's popularity as guest of honor at one of many banquets hosted by the San Francisco and San Jose Accordion Clubs.

San Francisco Accordion Club dinner
Photograph c. 1915 from the Guido Deiro Archive.
Click on image to enlarge - 165 KB

San Jose Accordion Club Entertains Deiro
Scrapbook No. 2, page 45.

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