New Vrindaban: The Black Sheep of ISKCON
Copyright 2002-07 by Henry Doktorski
The Liturgies
Noon Service: New Vrindaban residents dancing and chanting with organ and kettledrums.
Chapter outline:
A. The morning service.
Bhaktipada's preference for vernacular languages.
Vaishnava preference for vernacular languages.
Prabhupada approved of English prayers.
Chanting the mahamantra in English.
First English translation.
Mudakari revises translation.
Hayagriva and Umapati Swami: master poets.
Hayagriva's Gurudev.
Devotees receive English names.
"Cathedral" hymnals.
Outside the USA.
The final product: the morning service.
Processional: "Gather ye to greet our Lord."
Prayers to the Spiritual Masters: "All glories to you, Bhaktipada, Lord Krishna's servant dear."
Prayers to Tulasi Devi: "I bow before you, Tulasi."
Gurudev: "The blazing fire of samsara."
Prayers to Lord Nrishimhadev: "All glories to Nrishimhadev."
Within Vrindaban's Woods and Groves.
B. The noon service.
Bhoga Aroti: Krishna's lunchtime pastimes.
All Creatures of our God and King.
Sikshastaka Prayers.
I Surrender All.
C. The evening service.
Damodar Prayers.
The Aroti of Shri Gaur Hari.
Blest Be the Tie that Binds.

Hayagriva (in wheelchair) examining a computer printout with Bhakta Steve (his caretaker), the author, and Bhaktipada. Photo from Bhaktipada's September 1989 Vyasa-Puja book.
Cakravarty Swami at the Casio, Naranarayana and Maheshvara play guitar and flute.
Adipurusha Swami leads the boisterous noon service, ca. summer 1991. The harp is covered as it was only played during the more subdued morning service.

"Cathedral" Hymnal, ca. 1989.
To listen to an mp3 file of Within Vrindaban's Woods and Groves Click Here.
To listen to an mp3 file of Prayers to Lord Damodar Click Here.