Copyright 2002-07 by Henry Doktorski ISKCON's North American Place of Pilgrimage |
Festival at New Vrindaban.
Outline of this chapter:
New Vrindaban Expands: Fine Arts, Book Publishing, Construction of facilities for pilgrims
April 1979: Kirtanananda announces plans to build a spiritual theme park--Land of Krishna
1980-83: Palace Rose Garden designed and planted, wins awards
Autumn 1980: ITV films Ramayana at Palace
1980-81: Muralidhara dasa paints 12 x 20 foot murals for Wheeling Civic Center
1981-82: Guest Lodge, Gift Store, Restaurant opens
1981: Brijabasi Players Theater Troupe wins first prize in the First North American Asian Indian Drama Festival
1981: Pilot program of Bhaktipada's Radio Show broadcast on WANJ, Wheeling
April 1981: 1st time Brijabasi Spirit published with color cover
1981: Gurukula moves into new facilities at 175-foot-long building on Wheeling Creek--New Nandagram
1982: Palace Publishing established with purchase of Harris color press, a folding machine, and a book binder. First book published is Prabhupada's lectures at NV: Understanding God Through Bhagavat Dharma (1983)
1982: Vrindaban Village Estates established
Autumn 1982: Bhaktipada has dream and announces plans to build a Great Granite Temple of Understanding for Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Chandra
July 4, 1983: Deities moved from Bahulaban to new "temporary" temple behind Palace; Bahulaban loses prominence
c. 1983-84: Bathing Ghats excavated
1983: Camp Gopal founded for children of Indian visitors
1983: Palace Charities Vegetarian Meals on Wheels established
1983-84: Master plan created for Krishna Land
1984-86: Govardhana Dairy Goshalla built
1984: Giant Gaura Nitai statues created overlooking upper ghat
1985: 20-foot Swan Boat created for lower ghat
1985: Limestone Stone Quarry Purchased
May 31, 1985: Shila Ropana ceremony--US Congressman speaks at New Vrindaban--this was probably ABSOLUTE PEAK of New Vrindaban's popularity
1985: Bhaktipada's 1st book Song of God published
1985: Bhaktipada's 2nd book Christ and Krishna published
January 6, 1986: Lord Nrisimhadev installed
March 15, 1986: Malini the elephant arrives at NV
1986: Bhaktipada's 3rd book Eternal Love published
Spring 1986: Jarikhanda Wildlife Sanctuary established
1986: Palace Television established, produces monthly video newscasts
1986: Weekly newspaper column "Dear Swami" debuts in Moundsville Daily Echo
November 2, 1986: Deities of Rama, Sita, Lakshman and Hanuman installed
1986: Kuladri and Radhanath Swami attempt to create New Vrindaban North among Indian community in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario.
1986-87: New Vrindaban East established in India: Shri Shri Radha-Gopinath Mandir in Bombay (Chowpatty), New Madhuban on the banks of the Ganges River at Muni Ki Reti, Rishikesh, and Dronacharya’s Ashram, a fifteen-acre property near Tiklee
1988: New Vrindaban has 13 satellite centers: Athens, Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland, Ohio; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Washington, D.C.; New York City, New York; East Bridgewater, Massachusetts; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Tucson, Arizona; Montreal, Quebec; and Toronto, Ontario
September 3, 1988 (Janmastami): Maha-Dwarum Gateway erected
Fireworks at New Vrindaban.
Pilgrims bathe at ghat.
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