Copyright 2002-07 by Henry Doktorski Pushed Out Completely |
Bhaktipada's Winnebago Van![]()
"Swami" Bhaktipada with disciple LokanathaOutline of this chapter:
September 1993: The Winnebago Incident.
Bhaktipada is observed in back of Winnebago van having amorous relations with male Malaysian disciple.Disciple driver tells devotees at NV what he saw in back of Winnebago. NV leaders tell him to stop until leaders can confront and confirm facts with Bhaktipada.
English noon and evening services terminated.
Bhaktipada "confesses" privately and vaguely for the first time, to Radhanath and Devamrita.
Radhanath leaves the Winnebago van, and Devamrita stays a few moments longer. Bhaktipada denies his "confession" for the first time, to Devamrita. Devamrita claimed he didn't know what was going on, exactly what Bhaktipada was talking about. Radhanath knew, because he had been aware of Bhaktipada's attraction for young men since Kuladri told Radhanath about one 17-year-old's molestation in 1986.
Bhaktipada retires to Silent Mountain. A delegation of NV leaders meets with him and Bhaktipada "confesses" for the second time.
Open Meeting in the life-membership cabin. Outraged sankirtan disciples (many from Malaysia and India) flee to Silent Mountain and beg their master to tell them the allegations aren't true. Bhaktipada denies his "confession" for the second time.
That night after disciples return to NV Bhaktipada "enjoys" with his personal servant.
After a sleepless night praying to Prabhupada for guidance, Radhanath Swami departs NV the next morning in haste, as distraught and angry Malaysian Bhaktipada disciples proclaim "coffins should be procured for the blasphemers." Radhanatha uses father's credit card to purchase plane ticket to England, where he stays for some time, then he goes on to India.
Devamrita and Paramahansa Swamis and Adwaita and others stay to clean up the mess and keep peace. Tensions and tempers flare.
Bhaktipada denies his "confession" for the third time in public darshan at temple before deities: "I am completely innocent!"
Indian disciples beg Bhaktipada to slay their doubts.
"I will not be initiating any new disciples."
The emperor's new clothes.
I reveal my mind to my spiritual master.New Vrindaban residents discover Prabhupada's 1967 letters chastising Kirtanananda.
Bhaktipada admits to "past false pride" and retreats to seclusion at Silent Mountain.
Western classical music perhaps inappropriate at New Vrindaban.
Disciples rededicate themselves to Bhaktipada's service.
"Everyone is acharya."
My seventeen-page letter.
My letter refuted in Brijabasi Spirit.
Devotees disillusioned.
Head injury theory: brain damage caused deviations?
Head injuries often affect sexual behavior.
Head injury theory refuted.
Bhaktipada's head injury caused a personality change?
Rejection of Bhaktipada's innovations.
Tirtha in prison is convinced by Nityodito and Gargarsi that rumors about Bhaktipada's pedophila are true. Tirtha promises to testify against Bhaktipada about his involvement in the murders of Chakradhari and Sulochan.
Reformers threatened. Devotee inmate at Moundsville Penitentiary attacks Tirtha for slandering Saint Bhaktipada. I receive telephone call from a godbrother in Malaysia saying: “If you don’t stop this blasphemy of Bhaktipada, you’re gonna be dead meat!”
Two separate morning services established: English and Sanskrit/Bengali.
Moller pipe organ sold.
The mood of Vrindaban, India.
"What Prabhupada gave us is perfect."
Two visions side by side?
Petition promoted: a statement of resolution.
Summer 1994: Radhanath Swami returns to serve as peacemaker to resolve differences between the two NV factions.
An impassioned plea to save the City of God: "Bhaktipada's vision . . . must NOT be allowed to die!"
July 1994: Prabhupada chastises Bhaktipada in a dream.
July 11, 1994: At Bhaktipada's request, ISKCON Swamis Radhanatha and Bhakti-Tirtha visit Bhaktipada at Silent Mountain.
Bhaktitirtha Swami outlines nine points for Bhaktipada's rectification.
July 1994: Bhaktipada is pushed out completely, in presence of Radhanatha and Paramahansa Krishna Swamis he signs a document which in essence admits his defeat: his Great Interfaith Experiment is ended, and that the worship services at New Vrindaban and dress of devotees return to just as Prabhupada established, yet still he shouts in defiance with pen in hand like a spoiled child: "I am the world acharya! I am the world acharya! -- I AM THE WORLD ACHARYA!"
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