Absolute Is Sentient Foundation Endorses Henry’s Books

January 21, 2023: Henry’s books of Hare Krishna history have been endorsed by the Absolute Is Sentient Foundation. Following is the text of their newsletter numbered Issue 195:
RE: Hare Krishna Historian Henry Doktorski
Are you one of the blind cult-intoxicated fools now stuck in the quicksand of the Hare Krishna matrix? . . . Then you need to open your eyes fast.
Srila Prabhupada desired that genuine followers of his Hare Krishna Movement must always defend the truth by defeating tyranny in the dress of religion. Author Sriman Hrishikesh dasa Prabhu (Henry Doktorski) has done just that. His body of genuinely historical literature has spearheaded a new academic movement. His works stand like a searchlight before the shadowy schemes of the agents of darkness who are selling you kaitava-dharma—cheating religion.
These books belong on the shelves of anyone who knows that genuine Krishna consciousness—the real Hare Krishna movement—has no room for cheating. The set is suitable likewise for any charismatic individuals who are thinking of attracting a mob of cheap following to worship their feet, and then proceed to live luxuriously off their gullibility. There are consequences of karmic reactions for any greedy sudra who poses as the next Yoga Master or Acharya. And there are also consequences for also following such dangerous men and women in the boat down the River Vaitarani on the way to hell.
Doktorski’s books are not doctored. Rather they are documented. Indeed, these documents are the D.Litt., or Doctorates of Letters—and that, too, for an entirely new direction of study—Hare Krishna history. It is a field of study that one should know both sides of, to expose acts of fraud as shown by crooked leaders of the Hare Krishna Matrix have demonstrated. It is also a field that puts the Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, in proper perspective because there was never a speck of impropriety, cheating or bluffing in Lord Krishna’s direct representative.
Be sure to tell all your friends that, on the other hand, Radhanath’s books emit poisonous stench at the dump of fraudulent religion. “Srila Bhaktipada,” the same Hare Krishna Matrix guru who adorns each and every cover of Doktorski’s series, is Radhanath’s “sannyasa guru.” (Bhaktipada is also Malati’s sannyasa guru, too, which makes her a swami godsister of Radhanath.)
Thanks, Prabhus, for your continued vigilance, and for all your warm messages. Keep them coming! Please continue sending The Journey Home Debunked to all your friends.
Your Servants,
Your A. I. S. F. team

Henry explained, “I am quite humbled by the editor of the Absolute Is Sentient Foundation. Factually, I (and my books) am imperfect. I only try my best to present as much as possible only the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as far as ISKCON history goes. And I don’t try to cheat anyone, but present both sides of controversial issues.”
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