Gold, Guns and God: No. 3 in Amazon Hot Releases

Thursday, December 31, 2020: Three of Henry’s Hare Krishna history books made it into the top 27 “Amazon Hot New Releases in Religious Cults”:
Gold, Guns and God, Vol. 1, A Crazy Man (Paperback, No. 3),
Gold, Guns and God, Vol. 1, A Crazy Man (e-Book, No. 21), and
Gold, Guns and God, Vol. 3, Prabhupada’s Palace of Gold (Paperback, No. 27).
Henry said, “I am honored to have three of my books included in the December 2020 Amazon Hot New Releases in Religious Cults, along with books about the NXIVM cult, The Children of God, Rajneesh/Osho, the Amish and others. I thank everyone who purchased a book, and I ask you to please share your copies with others, and suggest to others that they also purchase my books. For the most part, I have no publicity machine. My books sell by word of mouth from satisfied readers. Thank you.”