Henry: guest speaker at 2023 International Cultic Studies Association Annual Convention

Henry at the podium.
Thursday, June 29, 2023: Henry presented a lecture/slide show at the annual convention of the International Cultic Studies Assocation at Hotel Distil in Louisville, Kentucky. His presentation, titled Gold, Guns and God: Swami Bhaktipada and the West Virginia Hare Krishnas, focused on the first five books of his decalogy of the same title.
Henry said, “I am extremely honored to have been chosen by the International Cultic Studies Association to speak at their annual convention. My presentation was well received and I made several new friends. Especially noteworthy to me, was a conversation after my lecture with Annuttama Dasa, Public Affairs representative for ISKCON (who attended my lecture/slide show with his assistant). In conversation, he praised me, ‘Your books are exceptional and you are an exceptional historian of ISKCON.’ He brought along to the convention a first edition copy of my book (purchased five years ago), Killing For Krishna, which he had given to his assistant to read. We chatted for a half hour, along with former Ramesvara disciple and author of the book, Betrayal of the Spirit, Nori Muster, who also spoke at the conference.”
Photos by Nori Muster.

Henry at his book table.