Killing For Krishna endorsed by the Absolute Is Sentient Foundation

The administrative team for the Absolute Is Sentient Foundation has endorsed Henry’s book Killing For Krishna and his Facebook page Books by Hare Krishna Historian Henry Doktorski in a letter sent to their members.
DATE: 22 May 2022
Dear Prabhus,
Dandavats to the Vaishnava sanga by the grace of Shrila Prabhupada. In today’s watered-down ISKCON, there are some feeble-minded optimists who worship Radhanath on a sort of near-avatara level. Apparently not enough of cult wussies have read about their idol Radhanath’s role in some of ISKCON’s more sordid affairs and scandals. Therefore, our billions of A.I.S.F members enthusiastically encourage those of you who do not wish to be seen as brainless cult loonies, to get your hands on Henry Doktorski’s excellently researched KILLING FOR KRISHNA. Read the following details from Doktorski’s Facebook page, entitled Books by Hare Krishna Historian Henry Doktorski.
The GBC specified one very important condition upon the appointment of Radhanath Swami as a GBC member and initiating guru: “provided the United States Government does not indict him in its case now pending against Kirtanananda Swami.”
March 1994: On or around this date in history 18 years ago, the GBC welcomed Radhanath Swami back into ISKCON and awarded him positions as an Assistant GBC representative and official ISKCON guru. Why was Radhanath Swami able to so quickly regain his lost standing after seven years outside of ISKCON? It may have been in no small part due to his considerable influence at Bhaktipada’s Chowpatty temple, which was maintained by hundreds of Bhaktipada disciples—including dozens of doctors and medical students, and two of the wealthiest men in India: Nathji (Dr. Narendra Desai, the chairman of APAR Industries), and Hrdayananda (Hrishikesh Mafatlal, the chairman of the Arvind Mafatlal Group and the son of the industrialist Arvind N. Mafatlal)—and thousands of friends and supporters. ISKCON certainly wanted the influential Chowpatty temple in their fold, and if Radhanath Swami was accepted back into ISKCON then he would be able to re-initiate hundreds of Bhaktipada’s disciples. Many of Bhaktipada’s disciples in India and New Vrindaban were, in fact, re-initiated by Radhanath Swami.
Regarding Radhanath Swami’s return to ISKCON, it is important to note that during the February/March 1994 GBC meetings, the GBC specified one very important condition upon the appointment of Radhanath Swami as a GBC member and initiating guru: “provided the United States Government does not indict him in its case now pending against Kirtanananda Swami.” ISKCON leaders at the time believed it was possible that Radhanath Swami might yet be implicated in the murder of Sulochan as an accomplice. ISKCON leaders had every reason to protect themselves with this clause in their resolution; they knew who at New Vrindaban had participated in the murder conspiracy. In 1986, New Vrindaban leaders did not keep the murder conspiracy a secret; in fact Kuladri had boasted about it to several ISKCON leaders. When Bhaktipada went to trial in 1996, Radhanath Swami was not indicted, in no small part perhaps due to the influence of his wealthy father and also because of Tirtha’s devastating deposition which blew Bhaktipada’s defense wide open and sealed his fate. One year later in 1997, the GBC appointed Radhanath Swami as a full GBC member.
Not everyone in ISKCON, however, was pleased that Radhanath had been offered positions as a GBC member and ISKCON guru. On August 26, 1994, Dharmatma sent off a letter to his godbrother, Hamsadutta, “Recently, they [the GBC] made Radhanath Swami a GBC. With all due respect, as I do like him as a person, and he is a sweet devotee, but still he was involved to some degree or had knowledge of Sulochan’s murder. I know this for a fact. Not only that, he supported K[irtanananda] Swami to the end, causing many devotees much anguish and suffering. My feeling is that he, like many of the others, is motivated by profit, adoration and distinction. It’s too bad, but not at all surprising. A truly advanced devotee is a rare commodity.”
Killing for Krishna, Chapter 17: The Cover Up Continues, pp. 463-464.
Please read The Journey Home Debunked.
Thanks to all the awakened Prabhus, for your continued vigilance.
Your servants,
The A.I.S.F. Team