2017 Palomar Organ Scholarship Competition

Standing: Henry Doktorski, Samuel Nguyen, Kevin Tran, Simon Nguyen. Seated: Alondra Rodriguez, Carol Graham, Kim Tran.
Henry Doktorski: adjudicator; Carol Graham: Scholarship Chair.
April 29, 2017: Henry served as adjudicator at the annual 2017 organ scholarship competition sponsored by the Palomar Chapter of the American Guild of Organists held at Faith Lutheran Church in Vista, California. Five students (four organists and one pianist) ranging in age from eleven to seventeen competed for $2,000 in scholarship money to further their musical studies.
Henry said: “First, I’d like to thank Carol Graham, chairperson for the AGO Palomar Chapter Scholarship Committee, for inviting me to judge the five students who participated in the competition. I was impressed with all the young musicians, and thoroughly enjoyed hearing their performances of classical organ works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Gordon Young, and other composers. Each student performed a traditional hymn, plus two standard works for organ. $2,000 in prize money was awarded by the Palomar AGO Chapter to the participants, in direct proportion to their final scores. I expect to hear great things from these fine teenage musicians!”
To visit the website of the Palomar Chapter of the AGO, click here.