Organist at House of Prayer Lutheran

Henry at the 1989 Schlicker two-manual and pedal organ at House of Prayer Lutheran Church, Escondido.

February 1, 2017: Henry Doktorski began working at House of Prayer Lutheran Church in Escondido, California, as their organist and accompanist. Music Director Carol Gross announced in the February 2017 issue of the church’s monthly journal, Glad Tidings: “It is my privilege to share with you some joyous news! It is with great pleasure that I announce that we have a new organist joining us! Henry Doktorski . . . is extremely qualified and a fantastic addition to our music ministry! Welcome Henry! We are blessed to have you joining us, and I look forward to working with you.”

In a letter to the congregation published in the same journal, Henry explained, “I am thrilled that Pastor Dr. Daren Erisman, Music Director Carol Gross, and the House of Prayer Search Committee asked me to be your new Organist/Accompanist! I thoroughly enjoyed my Interview/Audition on January 16, for several reasons, one of which is that your 1989 Schlicker two-manual and pedal organ is GORGEOUS! and so well-maintained! It was a real treat for me to play such a beautiful instrument with such a varied palate of timbres and tone colors. Wow! I had so much fun. I hope you will be pleased with my humble attempt to provide music to help support the messages of the Sunday Readings, the Pastor’s Sermons, and the choir anthems and hymns selections chosen by your Director of Music, and in my small way, to help provide a moving and spiritual experience for everyone. In all humility, I thank you for accepting me into your family, and I pray to serve you to the best of my abilities.”

Henry mused on his first year in California:

To hear Henry play the 1989 two-manual and pedal Schlicker organ at House of Prayer Lutheran, click here.

The organ has 36 stops representing nine ranks of pipes: Principal, Gedeckt, Chimney Flute,
Salicional, Salicional Celeste, Mixture III, and Trumpet; plus Chimes and Zimbelstern.

The instrument is beautiful visually as well as aurally.

The “white” keys of the two 60-note manuals are made from ebony and the “black” keys are made from rosewood.

The “white” keys in the 32-note pedalboard are maple and the “black” keys are walnut.

The stops for the pedals.

The stops for Manual II.

The stops for Manual I.

The facade contains speaking pipes; the Principal pipes.

The Gedeckt, Chimney Flute, Salicional, Salicional Celeste, Mixture III and Trumpet pipes, as well as the Chimes and Zimbelstern, are located inside or behind the cabinet.