Henry selected to appear in Petosa Accordions book

Henry Doktorski with his Petosa bass accordion.
May 2021: Henry has been selected by the Petosa Accordion Company for inclusion in their forthcoming book about the history of their company and the accordion in America. Joe Petosa, the son of Joseph Petosa Sr. and grandson of Italian-American immigrant Carlo Petosa who founded Petosa Accordions in 1922 in Seattle, Washington, wrote, “Dear Mr. Doktorski, Petosa is coming up to our 100th anniversary in 2022, and in celebration we are publishing a book about Petosa and relative U. S. accordion history. Some chapters will include U. S. accordion pioneers, legends and other renowned artists. With your permission we would like to include your name and photo. If you accept we ask you to forward a photo you would like to use. We thank you for this consideration and await your reply. Best regards, Joe Petosa, Sr.”
Henry said: “What a treat for me to hear from the CEO of the Petosa Accordion Company! I have often heard their instruments in concert and CDs, and I even own a Petosa bass accordion which I purchased decades ago for a West Virginia accordion band I used to direct. I still have the accordion, and play it from time to time, most notably on a recording of Fughetta on ‘Happy Birthday,’ a piece for accordion trio (including bass accordion) which I wrote in 2003 as a commemoration for Maestro Anthony Galla-Rini’s 99th birthday. I look forward to reading the forthcoming book to be published by Petosa Accordions.”
To learn more about Henry’s composition, Fughetta on ‘Happy Birthday,’ click here.
To listen to an mp3 file of Henry’s composition, Fughetta on ‘Happy Birthday,’ click here.